Author Mariska, Teacher & Founder of Dutch for Moms. The Dutch language course for international parents.
Do you want to speak Dutch at daycare but don’t know the words? Here are 5 sentences you can use to start speaking more Dutch!
1. Goeiemorgen! Hij is een beetje moe, hij is sinds 5 uur wakker. – Good morning! He’s a little tired, he’s been awake since 5.
2. Ik denk dat hij vanmiddag een dutje moet doen. – I think he needs a nap this afternoon.
3. Ze moet vanmiddag niet slapen, kan je haar wakker houden? Anders slaapt ze vanavond niet meer – She shouldn’t sleep this afternoon, can you try to keep her awake? Otherwise she won’t sleep in the evening.
4. Ik kom haar om 4 uur ophalen. Bel me als er iets is. – I will pick her up at 4. Call me when something is wrong.
5. Hoe was de dag? Heeft ze goed gegeten vandaag? – How was the day? Did she eat well today?
If you’d like to learn more Dutch, you can find me here
Are you a mom with children who are (soon) going to a Dutch school? I created a course especially for you, to help you communicate with the parents, the teacher and the other children in Dutch! You can find all the info here, we’re starting on the 15th of november.
Use the special discount code ‘mamasocial30‘ to get €30 off.