1. Their tiny personailty

Your little one is going to become their own tiny person, with their own unique quirks that you can’t get enough of.


  1. A bit of rest

No promises really on this one, but most toddlers are learning to play independantly, and at this point, those moments are like a dream come true.


  1. No more napping

Ok, so this one bothered us at first. But honestly, the absoulte freedom when the nap schedule goes out the window opens up so many options for play dates, days out, social mealtimes…the list is endless.


  1. Loads of laughs

Toddlers are positively hillarious. They live in their own little world, and one of the biggest parenting joys is watching them discover it.


  1. The cutest words

Hearing ‘I love you’ and all the other absolutely adorable things toddlers are learning to say leaves us wanting to bottle it all up and forget how hard the baby years were.