Cold buster smoothie – Recipe of the Fortnight

Cold buster smoothie – Recipe of the Fortnight

Cold and flu season is upon us Mamas, so we’re whisking up this vitamin laden smoothie from for ourselves, as well as the kids. INGREDIENTS 2 oranges, peeled and roughly chopped1 banana1/2 cup coconut water (see notes below)1/4 cup pineapple,...
Air fryer carrot fries – Recipe of the Fortnight

Air fryer carrot fries – Recipe of the Fortnight

OK…we can’t hold back any longer. We’re officially jumping on the air fryer hype and tricking the kids into eating veggies with this delicious carrot fries recipe from Ingredients For the carrot fries:1 pound of carrots1...
Roasted Veggie Soup – Recipe of the Fortnight

Roasted Veggie Soup – Recipe of the Fortnight

As the temperature plumets over here in The Netherlands, this is such a great winter warmer for the whole family and can be made with all the left over veggies in the fridge. Another winner from Annabel Karmel. Ingredients2 tbsp olive oil2 carrots, peeled and...
Recipe of the Fortnight – Snowman Soup

Recipe of the Fortnight – Snowman Soup

Is this not the most adorable Christmas treat for bigger kids? (…and us too!) My Kids Time have got heaps of cutesy, easy ideas for the festive season. Ingredients: – 1 serving of hot chocolate powder (measured out)- 10-15 mini marshmallows- 1 small candy...