Author – Dawn, Founder of Tiny Expat @tiny_expat

What’s it like raising a family in the Netherlands? If you’re already an expat mum, you’ll be acquainted with some of the more frequent questions we get about raising kids in a country that’s not our own. 

  • “Do you miss home?” – Of course we miss aspects of home. 
  • “Which language do you speak with your children?” – We speak English and Dutch.
  • “Did you have a bad relationship with your family?” – No, I just fell in love and followed my heart.

I’ve learned how to navigate these conversations, but learning to navigate the Dutch birthing system has been another thing entirely.

Through Tiny Expat, I’ve met many women and had many conversations about their expectations, judgements and worries.  

  • Is giving birth at home not a bit scary? If I do that in my own country, Russia, I get sent to prison. 
  • Why not just schedule a C section like we do in Brazil? At home I can pick the date! 
  • Why do I not see a gynecologist like in every other European country? 
  • A nurse in my home!? Why? I don’t want her rummaging through my drawers and folding my husband’s boxers!  

And then there’s all the other logistics to consider. Did you know that if you’re not married, the biological father needs to register as the dad before birth? Miss this step and the father’s name won’t be included on the birth certificate giving no other option than the mother’s surname and nationality. 

Have you thought about where you’ll find your network, your village, your community?

What is it you want and need during your pregnancy and those special months and years afterwards? The problem is, like most expat mums, we just don’t know. 

It’s like everything in life. You start on something and you just see where it takes you. Planning helps, it gives you focus and the right equipment to deal with what comes on your path. But can you really plan for everything? And would you even want to? Would you not just drown in a sea of panic, control and fear? And this is when things are going good.

What if things don’t go as planned? Who can you turn to for advice, support and sisterhood?

That’s why I started Tiny Expat, so you don’t need to worry about everything because I’ve been where you are. I understand the need to find your network. 

I’ve had 4 pregnancies, a traumatic birthing story and a home birth. I’ve experienced my mother living with me in a very small flat for 2 weeks. I had problems with breastfeeding. I lost my job after maternity leave due to being postnatal. I also had big culture shocks along the way. Yet, even after all of that, I began working as a maternity nurse because I love being involved in the most amazing time of people’s life. 

That’s what’s incredible about the Tiny Expat membership. We’re a professional network of over 40 people who have also been where you are. Together our experiences, knowledge and skills provide everything you need to raise a family in the Netherlands. 

You can read more about Tiny Expat here.

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