Author: Zyanya Breuer, Babywearing Consultant and Postpartum Educator (@adaptingtolove)
- Babywearing is as beneficial for you as it is for your baby
Babies gain many benefits from being close to us. It’s good for their physical development and mental health. But did you know it’s also good for our physical and mental health? Babywearing is a weight-bearing exercise, it helps us to gain strength and bone density, especially when we continue as they grow! Having baby close to us helps boost our oxytocin. And having our hands free to take care of ourselves supports our sense of confidence and resilience as new parents.
2. You’re likely wearing your baby too loose
If you lean forward and your baby can pull away from your body then your carrier/wrap/sling should be tighter. Press baby against you while leaning forward, stand up, and then retighten the carrier. Always lift up on baby slightly when you tighten your carrier so you get it properly tight.
3. Different carriers fit adult bodies differently
Just like jeans, carriers are made in different shapes and sizes. So a carrier that was comfortable for your friend may not be the best fit for you.
4. There is no one best carrier brand or style
We all gravitate towards different styles of babywearing based on how we learn and what we want to prioritize (convenience, speed, comfort, etc). Try out different styles with a babywearing consultant to see what you like best for yourself.
5. Babywearing shouldn’t be uncomfortable
If your carrier causes you pain, either it isn’t a good fit for your body or you aren’t adjusting it in the most ergonomic way. Send a photo of you using your carrier to a babywearing consultant and they will almost certainly give you some free tips to make it more comfortable!
Zyanya Breuer is a babywearing consultant and postpartum educator focused on empowering new parents.
She teaches workshops and offers in-home consultations around Amsterdam. You can find more information here.
For more tips follow Zyanya on instagram here.